golden b
Bouquet d'Oro

Perfume with Multipurpose Twill Band Bouquet d'Oro


Dive yourself in the light and richness of gold with this Yellow iris, Solidago and Primroses Golden Bouquet

This limited edition perfume contains an elegant golden twill band to be used in many ways: after spraying it with the Golden Bouquet Perfume, it can be worn around the neck as a beautiful necklace, on the wrist as a sophisticated bracelet, in hair as a practical band, or you can simply attach it to your favourite bag.


Άνθος Πορτοκαλιάς, Ηλιοτρόπιο, Κίτρινη Ίριδα, Τόνκα, Βανίλια και Κεχριμπάρι


100℅ Made in Italy

7 Tested metals

No Animal Derived Ingredients

No animal testing

Dermatologically tested


136 75 144, Iroon Politechniou str., Acharne (Greece) 

Tel: +30 210 6233200-2

Fax: +30 210 6230881