
Efficacy and safety

We monitor the contents of eight heavy metals (nickel, chromium, cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, antimony and cobalt) on each lot of all our products in order to minimise the risk of allergies and thus protect even the most sensitive skins.


In all our products, the content of heavy metals is well below the limits reported in the three most authoritative guidelines available today. (1)


L'ErbolarioBefore being approved, all our formulas undergo a series of tests in order to guarantee Safety, Efficiency and Appeal.


Stability tests
The product is kept at different temperatures and monitored for six months in order to assess its ability to adapt and withstand thermal shocks.

Challenge Test
The formula is exposed to high microbiological stress to check the efficiency of the preserving system.



Clinical-instrumental tests
All of our products are rigorously tested in vitro and on healthy volunteers to assess tolerability, efficacy and pleasantness. The tests were carried out at the multimedical Dermo-Clinical Research Institute in Milan, Italy, in collaboration with the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Pavia.

Panel Test
We provide our colleagues with samples of the formulas being studied so that, after two weeks of use, they can fill in an assessment form regarding the product’s appeal. If it also passes the Panel Test, it is promoted to L’Erbolario cosmetic!

Guidance on Heavy Metal Impurities in Cosmetics (Health Canada 2009);
Kosmetische Mittel: BfR empfiehlt Schwermetallgehalte über Reinheitsanforderungen der Ausgangsstoffe zu regeln (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung 2006);
Proposal of permitted limits for certain toxic polluting elements in cosmetic products (Istituto Superiore della Sanità 2006)


136 75 144, Iroon Politechniou str., Acharne (Greece) 

Tel: +30 210 6233200-2

Fax: +30 210 6230881
