“Splendour of white light” is the ancient etymological meaning, in Arabic, that is actually a true representation of these delicate, pure white and velvety Zagara flowers, i.e. Bitter orange blossom. The grace and delicacy of the floral aroma that their light petals release into the air offer a sense of absolute purity: in the 18th century, the sophisticated Duchess Anna Maria Orsini di Bracciano, the Princess of Neroli, fell in love with this special fragrance, declaring it as the only, fascinating scent – in the form of essential oil – to apply to gloves and lace, and even her bath water.
To this day, the beneficial properties contained in the fragrant Zagara flowers are more than just renowned: from these corollas the L’Erbolario Laboratories have obtained a flavonoid-rich extract, with remarkable antioxidant and protective capacities that promote cell renewal, and they have also distilled a fragrant water, which is stands out for its softening and refreshing effect. Excellent ingredients that your skin now has the privilege of discovering through the Neroli Neroli line: a collection of excellent products to harmonise and regenerate the well-being of body and mind.
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