For anyone who misses far-reaching stretches of sea and for anyone who feels the desire to re-immerse their thoughts in the salty and laughing waves throughout the entire year, the Fiore dell’Onda line has captured the aromatic and pungent note of the sea breeze and has combined it here with the fragrance of salt, which blooms with every crash of a sea wave.
Hence, the creation of this penetrating perfume with its unbridled energy, that rides this complete and fresh range of bath and home products like a wave. The beneficial extracts of plants flourish in its balanced formulas. Extracts which, by simply placing or immersing them in water, obtain their life force and beauty from it. Purple Alga Nori and Blue Water Lily, with its splendid pointed flowers, generously provide a Shower Gel, a Fluid Cream and a Soap with their enviable array of flavonoids, mineral salts, proteins and vitamins. Hence, every day they provide your skin with a layer of softness and protection, as well as an essential contribution to the fight against premature skin ageing and unsightly loss of tone. The fundamental Fragrance for scented wood sticks also allows you to enjoy the breeze of Fiore dell’Onda in the rooms you spend every day in.
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136 75 144, Iroon Politechniou str., Acharne (Greece)
Tel: +30 210 6233200-2
Fax: +30 210 6230881